Tips for building your medical illustration online presence
Today Emily and Annie talk about how we can build our online presence effectively. There are tonnes of resources out there giving lots of advice on building a social media empire but they sit down and go through things that are perhaps more specific to the medical and scientific illustration world.
Emily Holden LinkedIn medical animation course
Emily’s School of Motion interview
Summary of tips:
Self promotion, stepping out of your comfort zone, saying goodbye to those fraudy feelings and just doing it getting out there
Build an online presence. It's free. There's lots of different tools out there, all of the channels that you can get yourself on, don't cost anything to set up. So just go and do it.
Establish yourself as an expert in the fields, present yourself professionally,
Focus on your tone. How do you want to be seen? Do you want to be seen friendly to be seen as very formal, think about that.
Make things easy to understand. Is what you're preaching up easy to understand?
Authenticity: make sure that it just feels authentic to you. If you are more of a formal person, then go ahead, be formal. If you're more of a jokey, fun and light-hearted person, then let your voice to shine through as well.
Don't be nasty. Be nice. Don't be naughty.
Be consistent. Keep posting up all your of your work because it will keep you on everyone's radars.
Curate the work that you post but don't be a perfectionist.
Engage with your audience. Don't leave questions on answered build your audience grow your following is just the best way to do it.
Remember the main goal of why you have a social media channel. It might be different for many different people.