Tutorials Annie Campbell Tutorials Annie Campbell

Creating a red blood cell brush in Photoshop by Annie Campbell

Drawing individual red blood cells (RBCs) in an illustration—especially when they are not the main focus of the piece—can become quite tedious and time consuming. This is where I find using a pre-made RBC bush really speeds up my production process. This tutorial shows you how to create your own RBC brush and tailor it to your needs.

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Tutorials Annie Campbell Tutorials Annie Campbell

Rendering The Corona Virus' Spike Protein with Houdini by Jeroen Claus

Jeroen Claus, director of Phospho Biomedical Animation, creates a guest tutorial for the Entagma group on how to visualize and animate the SARS-Cov-2’s spike protein using tools available in Houdini. Dr Jeroen Claus, a biologist and expert in visualizing molecular structures, is passionate about creating stunning animations to showcase excellent science.

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Tutorials, Tips Annie Campbell Tutorials, Tips Annie Campbell

Elevating your ‘basic’ skills: The importance of continuing your art fundamentals training for medical illustration

Art fundamental training is so important to learn and maintain throughout your creative career however it’s something that can easily be forgotten as you progress through your professional life. Medical illustrators, Annie Campbell and Emily Holden, shed some light into the importance of art fundamentals as they focus on growing their creative team.

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